Tea or coffee?

Serenity Style Wendy Farm Kitchen set for @TheLiaisonCollaborative event
Shelf, Cabinet, Bon Apetit Canister, Red Stewpan, Milkmaid, Coffee Canister, 
Cocoa Canister, Sugar Canister, Cookies Tin, Kettle, Cup and Bowl, Small Plates Stack, 
Big Plates Stack, Open Stewpan,  Bowls stack, Cups, White Stewpan
Simply Shelby  Rustic Holiday Shelf  set for for @TheLiaisonCollaborative event
Shelf, Metal Holiday Trees and Birch Candles
InsurreKtion Roughwood Set:
Door Lamp, Pile of Cushions, Decorated Planks, Saddlebag, Plates, Table, Bowls and Stool
InsurreKtion Farmhouse Kitchen Rug


Also: Maisie Set, ReKa. Still Life Frames, ReKa Wooden Chest, ReKa Metal Bicycle Decor, 
ReKa Rustic Valentine Plates, ReKa. Rustic Valentine Wooden Heart, Nutmeg Rustic Table



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